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shopping overview   finding a product   reviewing a product   ordering offline

Shopping Overview

Shopping is fun and easy, in just a few steps:
  1. If there are several types of that product, use the drop-down lists to pick the exact item
  2. Click Add to Cart and you will see that item appear in the Items in cart display.
  3. Continue shopping until you have everything you want in the cart
  4. If you are already signed in, you can select different shipping methods to see what that adds to your order total. You can also enter a "ship to" postal code to calculate shipping charges to that location.

Finding a Product

Use the search box to find a product you want. You can type in a few letters, a word or a phrase:
  1. Type a few letters or whole word(s).
    The search will show you all the products that match what you typed. If you do not see what you are looking for, try typing less information
  2. Click the product image to see more details OR
    click Add to Cart to put it in your shopping cart OR
    click Add to Wishlist to add it to your wishlist OR
    ...or typing another word or phrase if you do not see what you are looking for.


Reviewing a Product

Reviewing items you have purchased helps other shoppers and helps us give you the products you need and like. We encourage you to contribute to and check item reviews. It is easy to add a product review. At the bottom of any product detail page:
  • Click Review this Product
  • Click the star rating you want to give it
  • Type your comments
  • Click Save
  • That's it! Here is how to do it:

    NOTE: You need to sign in before adding a review. It will have your username "signature" on it.

    We also welcome any other feedback you have for us. Just send us an email at


    Ordering Offline

      by email

      by fax

      by mail
    Complete your online order up until you see the pay offline button. Click it, read the instructions and click Continue. Then print the order confirmation and mail:
    1. the order confirmation
    2. your check in the amount indicated OR
    3. your credit card number and expiration date to

      Nyala Publishing
      1250 W. Addison
      Chicago IL 60613

      by phone




    Cart - Wishlist

    checkout overview   adding items   changing quantity   removing items
    wishlist comments   calculating shipping   payment methods   sales tax

    Checkout Overview

    When you have selected all the items you want to buy and have added them to your shopping cart, you are ready to place your order (called "checkout"). To start:
    1. Click the Cart icon.
    2. If you have an account, type your username and password and click Sign In
      If you do not have an account, click <create new account>.
      After you login, you will not have to reenter any personal information, but always have the option of changing any of it - your password, email, billing or shipping address and payment information.
    3. Inspect your order. This is your last chance to make any changes.
    4. If you are paying online, click complete order
      If you want to pay offline (by phone, fax or mail), click pay offline
    You will receive one email confirming receipt of your order - and another when your item ships.
      2 Red T-shirt
      1 White T-shirt
          Total: $36.00

    Adding Items

    Every time you click on the Add to Cart, you add that item to your shopping cart. If you click twice, you add 2 of those items. You can tell it was added by looking at the small shopping cart display. For example,if you clicked Add to Cart twice next to a red t-shirt - and then found a white t-shirt and clicked Add to Cart next to that one, the small cart would show your choices, as well as the total price.

    When you go to your shopping cart by clicking on the link in the small display - or clicking the cart icon, you will see those 3 items in your shopping cart.

    Changing Quantity

    You can change the number of items in your shopping cart at any time. Just go to your shopping cart and directly type the number of items you want and click Update.

    Removing Items

    You can remove items from your wishlist or shopping cart at any time. Just click Delete next to the item you no longer want.

    Wishlist Comments

    When you put an item in your wishlist, you might want to put in a note along with it to remind you of why you want it - for example, "order this in April for Lela."


    Calculating Shipping

    Before you click Checkout, you can change your preferred shipping method. Just choose different shipping methods to see the instant cost calculation.

    Payment Methods

    We accept the following payments online: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa and Checks. If you complete your transaction online, you will be asked for any needed information. If you prefer not to pay online, see Ordering Offline

    Who Pays Tax

    We are required to collect sales tax for orders shipping to states in which we operate. This includes: Illinois



    Order Tracking

    order status   order history   international orders   back orders   lost shipments   returns

    Order Status

    You can find information about a recent order by going to My Account and clicking Order Tracking. If a package was shipped via a service that using tracking numbers, you will see that tracking number and a link to the website where you can check the status of that shipment.

    Order History

    You can find information about anything you have ordered on our site by going to My Account and clicking Order History.

    International Orders

    You may use any of the above methods; but any checks must be in US dollars. International shipping charges also apply. Email us for your specific request.

    Back Orders

    If we do not have an item in stock, you will not see it in the product catalog. If you see a size you need is missing, email us to find out if that item is on order. If it is, you may order the item offline and it will be sent to you as soon as it becomes available. We will not charge your credit card until the item ships. If you do not wish to backorder it, we can email you when the item is back in stock.

    Lost Shipments

    99+% of packages arrive as anticipated, but there are always exceptions. If you think your package is one of those, click My Account and then the Track Packages link to view details on your order. There, you will find links to the delivery service used. If there is a tracking number for your package, click it to check on shipping progress. If you cannot locate the package, please let us know via email and we will take it from there.



    After you have received authorization by email to return your item, follow these steps to send it back to us:
    1. Repack the item(s) to be returned in the original shipping envelope or box, but do not seal it yet.
    2. Find the original packing slip from your shipment and put it inside along with the item(s).
    3. Seal the package and address it as you were instructed in the authorization email.
    4. Mail the package using the service of your choice and most economical method.

    Your refund will be processed in 7-14 business days once your return has been received. If your return was not a result of our error, return shipping costs cannot be reimbursed.



    My Account

    account overview   change password   billing info/register   shipping address   credit card(s)   checks

    You can change any of your account information after you have signed in.

    Account Overview

    You can open your account anytime you want (just click Sign In) - but you do not have to have an account to browse around. You only need to create an account when you are ready to complete your order by clicking Checkout. In addition to credit card and shipping information, you need an email address so we can contact you to confirm your order and notify you of shipments, etc. We do use cookies (information we store on your computer) so that we can find your account information after you sign in to the website.


    To change your password:
    1. Click Your Account at the top of the page
    2. When the next page appears, click Change my password
    3. Type your email address
    4. Type your new password
      (You will be asked to type your password twice to make sure you do not make any typos)
    5. Click Save and, in a couple seconds, a message tells you your change has been saved

    If you have forgotten your password,

    1. Click Your Account at the top of the page
    2. Type your first name
    3. Type your email address
    4. Click Email My Password and, in a few minutes, you will receive an email at that address with your password. password at that email address


    Billing Information/Register

    We need billing information to process any of your payments online - which we also use as your main address. To add this information
    1. Click the Your Account button at the top of the menu
    2. Click billing address
    3. Type your first name
    4. Type your last name
    5. Type your company name (or skip)
    6. Type your address
    7. Type your second address line (or skip if there is no second line of the address)
    8. Type your city
    9. Type your state or province
    10. Type your zip or postal code
    11. Choose your country (or skip if country is United States)


    Shipping Address(es)

    To add a shipping address
    1. Select from the <Address> pull-down on the Shipping Address page
    2. Type recipient's first name (yours, if this is a second shipping address for yourself)
    3. Type last name
    4. Type company name (or skip if there is no company name)
    5. Type address
    6. Type second address line (or skip if there is no second address line)
    7. Type city
    8. Type state or province
    9. Type zip or postal code
    10. Choose the country (or skip if country is United States)
    11. Type the phone number (required for 2-day or overnight shipping)
    12. Click <Default> if this is the main shipping address you want to use
    13. Click Save and, in a couple seconds, a message tells you the shipping address has been added.
    To change a shipping address
    1. Select the address to change from the the <Address> pull-down on the Shipping Address page
    2. Type any changes
    3. Click Save and, in a couple seconds, a message tells you your changes have been made

    To delete a shipping address

    1. Select the address to delete from the the <Address> pull-down on the
    2. Click Delete
    3. When the message asks "Are you sure...?", click OK - or Cancel if you change your mind.


    Credit Cards

    You can pay with - American Express - Discover - MasterCard - Visa. To add a credit card:
    1. Select <Payment Type> from the pull-down at the top of the page
    2. Type your name exactly as it appears on the credit card
    3. Type the credit card number, with no spaces or hyphens
    4. Select the expiration month and year from the pull-down lists
    5. Click the Default checkbox to make this credit card your usual way to pay
    6. Click Save and, in a couple seconds, a message tells you your changes have been saved
    You can add as many credit cards as you want to keep handy online. When you want to change the one you use,
    1. Select it
    2. Click the Default checkbox
    3. Click Save



    If you want to pay online by check, you have that choice at checkout. Here is how it works:
    1. Type your checking account bank name
    2. Select account type (personal or business)
    3. Type your bank's routing number
      found at the bottom of your check. Notice the symbols at either side of the number
    4. Type your checking account number
      found at the bottom of your check. Notice the symbols at either side of the number
    5. Type your check number
    6. Select the ID you are using to verify your identity
    7. Type your ID number
    8. Select the state that issued the ID
    9. Click Save and, in a couple seconds, a message tells you your changes have been saved




    privacy   secure transactions   satisfaction guarantee


    We do not sell or give out your information. Any information that you provide on this site is considered highly confidential and is securely protected. It is kept only to provide you better service.

    Secure Transactions

    We at Nyala Publishing know that you value your personal information, so we want to make sure you feel safe shopping on our site. We make sure your credit card information is safe, your privacy is respected and you are satisfied with your purchases.

    We use state-of-the-art online security for your sensitive information. Our Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software is the industry standard for secure online commerce transactions. It encrypts (scrambles) all of your personal information, including credit card number, name and address, so that it cannot be read as the information travels over the Internet.

    We go a step further: we encrypt your credit card number in our database storage systems. Even we cannot directly read your information; it can only be accessed for your authorized transaction.

    Satisfaction Guarantee

    We guarantee your satisfaction. The internet sometimes acts up beyond your and our control. We regret when that happens and hope that you will give us every opportunity to serve you.

    If you are not pleased with what you have received from us, please tell us how we can make it right. Although we are of course in business to make a profit, we are not looking for an easy out with you. Just "talk to us" and let us know what we can do.



    Contact Us

    by email   by fax   by mail   by phone   our location(s)

    Contact Us by Email

    Contact Us by Fax


    Contact Us by Mail

        Nyala Publishing
        1250 W. Addison
        Chicago IL 60613

    Contact Us by Phone

        Phone: 773-883-9818 

    Our Location(s)

    We are located in: Illinois.


    ©2025 Nyala Publishing
    powered bySightMaker